SunTrust National Marathon, Washington DC, US - 0 Pictures
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These are 14 yrs 10 mths Old Memories. Old is Gold. People may change, feelings & memories don’t
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This years race takes place on March 20th at 7AM just outside of the D.C. Armory and RFK Stadium(2001 East Capitol Street, S.E.), located adjacent to the starting areas of the CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield National Half Marathon and National Team Relay. The fastest looped course in the country celebrates its 5th year as the only marathon to take place entirely within the DC and is expected to be the best event to date! Challenge yourself over 13.1 awe inspiring miles of our nations capital; run through the citys most exciting neighborhoods, pass by the stunning monuments and write some of your own history in one of the countrys fastest growing endurance events. Experience Washington. Run Through History.

Community events like the National Marathon dont happen without the dedication of volunteers. If you can support this event with your time, talents, and energy by helping at the Friday Health & Fitness Expo or during the Saturday races.

All participants will receive a technical running shirt and all half marathon finishers will receive a medal.

Cash prizes will be awarded to the top five overall men and women finishers in each race.

Nearly 12,000 runners were registered, and 9,286 runners crossed the starting line at the Marathon on a sunny, 70 degree day. Runners from 49 states and 27 countries ran the race.

In the mens marathon, Michael Wardian, age 35, of Arlington, Va., took 1st place with a time of 2:21:58; Patrick Moulton, age 28, of Providence, RI, took 2nd place(2:26:03); and Paul Howarth, of Albuquerque, NM, took 3rd place(2:27:19).

After the race, Michael Wardian said that he had the lead from the gun and attacked every mile and stayed focused on the goal and ran one of my fastest time times ever.

In the womens marathon, Krista Vrombaut, age 27, of Rock Island, Ill., took 1st place with a time of 2:51:17; Michaela Driscoll, of Coventry, RI, took 2nd place(2:55:50); Mary Beth Chosak, age 31 of Arlington, Va., took 3rd place(2:57:32).

In the mens half marathon, Mark Fruin, age 24 of Bloomington, Ind., took 1st place with a time of 1:05:03; Stephen Haas, age 26 of Bloomington, Ind., took 2nd place(1:05:14); Jeff Jonaitis of Tinley Park, Ill., took 3rd place(1:05:58).

In the womens half marathon Laura Farley, age 25, of Bloomington, Ind., took 1st place with a time of 1:18:38; Phebe Ko, age 27 of Bethesda, MD, took 2nd place(1:19:03); Dani Prince of Bloomington, Ind., took 3rd place(1:19:38).

In the masters division, Kris Warszawski, age 50, of Northville, Mich., won the mens marathon with a time of 2:44:00, and Tracy Wollschlager, of Novi, Mich., age 41, won the masters division of the womens marathon(3:03:50).
Chris McDonald, age 50, of South Riding, Va., won the wheelchair division(3:01:35).

2,322 people completed the marathon, 6,249 people completed the half marathon, and 174 people finished the team relay race.

Next years race will be on Saturday, March 26. This year National Half Marathon online registration will launch on our Nations Birthday - July 4th.

The Greater Washington Sports Alliance (GWSA) is a regional non-profit sports commission created to foster economic development and civic pride through the power of sports.


5:00 AM Bag Check Opens
6:30 AM First Call to the Starting Line
6:40 AM Second Call to the Starting Line
6:45 AM Final Call to the Starting Line
6:50 AM National Anthem
6:53 AM Wheelchair Athlete Start
7:00 AM Marathon/Half Marathon/Team Relay Start
Finish Line Festival Opens
*8:45 AM Half Marathon Elite Awards Ceremony
10:00 AM JuMMP Program Start
*10:45 AM Marathon Elite Awards Ceremony
1:00 PM Official Close of Finish Line Festival
*Approximate Times

The Metro opened 2 hrs early on race morning. The Stadium-Armory Metro stop on the blue/orange lines will take you directly to the start/finish lines and bag check (inside of the Armory).

Parking was free to all runners and the public. Parking is located in Lot 7 (entrance off of Oklahoma Avenue).

>City(s) = Washington DC; State(s) = DC; Country = USA.
>Title = SunTrust National Marathon, Washington DC, US - Video.
>Keywords = SunTrust National Marathon, GWSA, 2010, ourtripvideos, our, trip, videos, crlapindfrn, RFK Stadium, DC Armory, Washington DC, CareFirst, BlueCross BlueShield, Half Team Relay, US, country, Health Fitnes, Expo, Michael Wardian, Patrick Moulton, Krista Vrombaut, Michaela Driscoll, Mark Fruin, Stephen Haas, Laura Farley, Phebe Ko, JuMMP, Kris Warszawski, Tracy Wollschlager, Chris McDonald, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Sun Trust america (160)
>Catg =
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