Support and Donors
The vision behind this web site is to inform the public about various places and events with background information using videos/pictures. This will also help economy as people travel & visit these places. Another objective is to record the way of life of Americans including the inherent diversity with respect to various events and also to sample a taste of Indian music to the World.
We want to sincerely thank the following:
1. Almighty - for giving the vision, motivation and support to perform this. My Parents and Gurus.
2. India and USA, Friends of the World.
3. Indian music related Audio companies - for producing nice music which is used as background music for most of the videos.
4. Wikipedia, Wikitravel,, Google(various free products - Maps, Analytics, Translation,...), the companies who are giving the free software for public.
5. My working Company boss and Client boss - For their full support and cooperation at work, and always supporting vacation/travel time adjustments.
6. The Individuals/Friends/Companies who are helping directly or indirectly for this purpose.
Voluntary help in different areas
Your names (for voluntary help provided) will be displayed under the respective sections below as long as you would like to help. You are helping us for good cause; there is no other obligation for you. This voluntary work doesn’t construe as a monitory transaction. Most of these works will not take more than 5min to 15mins each time. If you don’t have time to continuously participate but still want to support occasionally you are welcome to do so. We will display your name under the Video playing area for few days to show our thanks to you.
May need help
We may need help in the following areas :

1. Related to Web site content/text - Finding information (text/ images/ web site), corrections,...

2. Background Indian music - Helping with music (voice - Hindi or songs with more generic Sanskrit words/instrumental - preferred/patriotic/devotional) related to each video.

3. Technical Improvements - Informing about new technology which is suitable for this web site, supporting development Ex: Google Maps to show the location of the map, Analytics to know the traffic, IP Tracking, Web technologies
    1. Scott B, Baltimore, MD.

4. Reach more people.
    A. By using technology - Ex: Twitter/Face book
    B. Forwarding Web site or Video links to Friends/Groups/Forums

5. Monitory support - Contribute or encourage other people to contribute to support this cause.
We appreciate your time and help. We are always looking for suggestions to improve our site. Please contact us by using the link on the left side.

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Last Updated date : Fri, 14 Feb 2025.