We find it difficult for us to get good music even in a regional Language. We can't maintain different languages music because this is a free site and maintaining multiple languages music takes a lot of time which we do not have available.

Some people may prefer background music and some people may prefer regional language Music. It is difficult to balance these conflicting demands. So we are trying to have a mix of background music and regional language music. This is the best we can do and we I hope you will enjoy the content. Our focus is the Video content and not the background Audio music. All new videos are using only instrumental music.
Sure, you could. If you are really want to help us,
1. You could just forward our website or youtube video link or inform your friends/folks about this little effort of ours.

2. Share our web site information on your blog/facebook/twitter or groups like yahoo/google.

3. If you find any good Indian movie/general back ground/Instrumental music on the web, you could send us the link or zip file. OR If you found few Indian MP3 CDs(from India or anywhere), you may contact us with titles. If you have Indian devotional songs(Krishna, Rama, Vishnu,...) in any language with most of the words from Sanskrit then that is also helpful. If we have clear details like movie/album name and song name, that would be helpful to promote that good music/song.

4. You can provide us feedback on how we can improve the web site (like spelling mistakes, bad words, broken links, new web features/design, programming, etc.).

5. You could donate something to support the work or you could encourage your friends

6. If you have any free/concession tickets to any theam park near to DC Metro area or the area we are on the trip.

7. Whatever you could able to do for helping this work or you could discuss with us about your ideas.

If you do any help to spread the word about our site, please forward that email to us and explain about that. We may display your name on the web site for thanking your support.
There are many reasons. Our camcorder is not having higher resolution. We may need to go for High Definition or more CCD, but it is expensive. Like a movie with budget, we can't able to make the settings or using tripod at different places may be little bit difficult. For example if we go to Latino festival party, setting up tripod in between the folks is not easy and we can't able to move around them by having these. So sometimes the shaking is possible if we are on a bus/boat. Even though we have High definition camera, there might be problem with video size or software.

For example if we make DVD quality then it will have big size and we may not able to upload that or it may take long time. So we have to minimize the file size. Google also converting our DIVX file to flash type then we are loosing some quality also. Sometimes if sun shine is not enough or cloudy then also we may not able to get clear video. We have to enjoy the location and also record for our users, so it is a big challenge.
This would be an invaluable help to us in getting a better video Camera and better Editing Software. Your name will be displayed as a sponsor on your selected video.
Yes, it is half correct.
Going to an event/place is not easy thing. For example, it will have difficulties like - 1hr drive, paid parking, wait in the long lines (ex: metro or museum), moving around the event/place and recording in the crowd.

After recording a place/event, typically need 2 more days of hard work to edit the video for public viewing. It is not easy work. But this work satisfies me. I also feel good that people like you are able to find these videos useful.
We are increasing the awareness of these places. For example, from our native places, many people may not know about Williamsburg/Sea World/... Through our friends, that people could easily know about these attractions and able to watch. If they have plans to visit US in future then they could visit these wonderful places. Real experience is always different from watching some thing on a Video. If any one complains of any Copyright violations, we will remove the content immediately.
Most of the time, we will record only short periods of time based on the event/group. We are doing this work voluntarily; helping people, who either missed the event or want to watch our highlights of the event. It will also help inform others from around the world about these great events.

You can freely use/distribute the YouTube or web site link of the video on your web site. Our Videos are free for public and not for personal/company use.

But for any genuine request from a participating organization, we could help by doing the following :

1. If you clearly tell us the video title/id and the time period related to you, we will try to post only that particular video part separately on YouTube with your organization title and minimum specific information. But we need an appreciation letter from your organization about our web site help.

2. If you need the original/edited footage (if available) without our name for your company promotion purpose, then we need your help with a minimum donation based video footage to help offset web site maintenance and video production costs. A letter should mention that you are not using for any other purpose than promoting that event and not giving to any 3rd party. Once we discussed and accepted then the zip file will be available for download for 1 full day with raw (individual clips)/edited video(single clip).

Note : Appreciation letter will be a scanned letter on letter head. We are not selling any videos and not taking any service charge for any video. Donation is only for site maintenance and to plan new events.
Our intention is to show good things(just highlights - Approx 15 to 30min in total) about the event - no own negative comments or improper edits. We have confidence in cooperation and values. Once we discussed with Organizer, usually the organizer will show the comfortable zone(if they have restrictions OR give one person to be with us to help us) to move around freely without disturbing the event. We have simple and small handheld equipment.

Usually when we complete the video and put on the site, we will send the links immediately to the organizer. If they like then they will forward to their users or use our links on their web site. If they found any -ve/abusive words/schenes then we will remove that based on their request. Organizers will not involve in our editing process or request free copy of voluntary hard work, because it is just free additional publicity and always available online. But orginal video of the edited(without music or extras) or unedited(if available) are available with donation to the Organizor.

You could find our work by seeing live examples on our web site. If you are comfortable with the above process and would like to go forward with +ve attitude and future cooperation then we could plan for the event.

1. The event should be free or may have minimum charge, public legal event and satisfies the purpose for this web site. Weekend day time is preferred. It would encourage us if you mention our name in your news letter or on web site if we agreed to attend. If we attend our intention is not to cover the entire event, just important things while we are there and show a minimum length(less than or around 30min) video to the public/you on our web site. The video is totally related to this web site and not related to anyone else.

2. It should be around Washington DC Metro area/SFO Bay area or within 4hrs of driving distance.

3. We may attend for the event based on available time or other issues and there is no guarantee.

If we attended the event, the video may be available for public view on youtube/website based on recorded video quality and no technical issues with recorded video.

So please do not depend on our video until we put it for public. You should always have your own arrangements.
Really that is a great push for us to continue this volunatary service. If you are an organization then you could just send us an appreciation letter (on your letter head and email us scanned copy). If you are an individual then you could just send an email to us.

In both cases, you could forward our link to all of your friends to inform about our videos and you may forward that email to us. We will keep your (Organization/Individual) name on our web site for few days for spreading the word.
Yes, it is free and no money transaction from both sides. But you need lot of patience to do this work. You have to come 3 or 4 events with us and learn various techniques about recording a video. You should get your own video camera and it would be better if you have HD(Hard disk) or flash based video camera, it is easy to copy and see the preview. After that, you will also learn techniques about editing a recorded video. So you could try the same at home with your available editing software because the basic idea is same for any editing software.
We appreciate your interest on our Pictures/Video Clips. These will be available to the event related folks. Individuals may contact us if they are willing to make donation, but you have to identify yourself. But the decision is ours and please don't make any donation before our acceptance. Please identify yourself and relation to the event/organization and show us some proof like web site page or scanned visiting card or something else.

You could use our youtube video link(you could also embed) or our web site video/pictures link for free. But if you still need the Pictures/Clips :

1. First thing, a) we need an appreciation letter on your letter head for our voluntary work. You could scan it and send by email(No cost and 5 min job). b) Show a proof that you posted our link on your web site/blog/any network/forwarding email to a group of people. That will respect our work and your initiation/interest for future cooperation. This is just to make sure that we are not giving the clips/pictures to unrelated guys. We may verify your information with your web site folks.

2. We are just doing this for public, so you could tell us clearly the purpose and what you could do for us? Queries related outside of US are not encouraged expect if the video related to that particular country. Most of the time you will get edited video without background music with our title. You have to explain us the reason clearly if you need the original unedited video(if available) without our title. You can't distribute our clips to anyone, you are getting just one copy or part of the video for your purpose. Few basic points before contacting us :

A. Tell us why you need them(purpose) - if possible explain with example.

B. How many pics or video clips you want? Are you able to identify them from our pictures(Pic 1, 10, 21) or from the video(ex: From 5th min to 8th minute)?

C. How will you use you use these pictures/video clips? - on your web site or for paper ad(about the completion of event or something else) or personal? If it is paper ad, please send us the links after it published.

D. You have to mention our name (Courtesy - http://www.ourtripvideos.com) and/or link. If you are getting pictures/clips from us, you have to mention that in the letter(something like - we will use these pictures on our web site or on paper with OurTripVideos information and we will not give to any 3rd person).(OR)

E. Are you willing to give any donation for site/video related costs? Please mention the donation amount in the request email.

If you related to any committee/organization and you just need couple of pictures, then you no need to worry about the donation.
Sorry, as of now we are uploading only the videos recorded and edited by us.
We have good reason in using Indian background music. To start with it reduces our workload. Moreover we don't have the required cultural background to select relevant ethnic music relating to the countries / cultures being covered in the videos. We also don't have copyrights to use other cultural music. Given our lack of background and copyrights, we decided to produce the other great cultural videos with Indian background music against not producing other great cultural videos at all. We hope you will understand this small endeavor of ours, with open/good heart and encourage us to go forward and produce more exciting and informative videos.
Yes, this website is trying to follow the Section 508 requirements. Most of the features are available for all users. But some of features are not accessbile because of technology or funds constraints. Example : Videos and Google Maps. The alternate ways we provided for these 2 issues - 1) Videos : A. Provided the description of the video. B. Some of the Videos may have the original audio track other than the background music 2) Google Maps - We provided the side bar with links with information like Title, City, State and Country.
We hope you enjoyed the event pictures and support our voluntary work to promote these great events.

Usually when a person participated in any event, the event organizers will have authorization to use the pictures/video of that person to promote their event. They have to discuss with (either participant or organizer) each other about their concerns. If a participant has any issues then the organizer may not allow them to participate in the event or may inform the media about that concern. For any media, it is impossible to get authorization from each participant of the event.

Usually we will contact the event organizers before attending any event to get the permission. They will let us know if they have any concerns. You could contact the event organizer not to use your picture for any event promotion.

But if we took the picture in uncomfortable way(ex: closed eyes, red eye, sleeping...) then we could remove that based on your request. We are just informing the public about the event and showing talent of individual to the world. We hope you will understand and encourage us.
Media pass means you are giving us the access and permission to the event. Access means you are allowing us to the event irrespective of the event type(free or fee based). Permission means you are allowing us to take the pictures/video and publish on our web site. Some events may have media pass formally but other events may have just acceptance through email. Here, we will not expect anything from you and vice versa. But if you want the photos/video copy for your use then it will cost you.

If we visit your event, we will send the links to you after publishing the pictures/video. You could use the links on your web site or forward to the participants or friends. These are available in google search.

Usually most event organizers are looking for more publicity and allow media(online/print) folks. You could find sample of our pictures/video on our web site(click Latest tab, search for events). We covered more than 200 great events of different cultures. Your event details will be published on our upcoming events and also on our Facebook to inform our users for your pre-event publicity.
It is your choice of personal satisfaction to support a good cause. We are trying to spread the word about the following:

1. The cultural respect in the United States of other countries culture and traditions
2. Informing the world about American culture and daily life
3. Showing the taste of Indian music to the World
4. History/Background Information of the various
>>Events(Memorial day, July 4th,..),
>>Cultural festivals(Japanese, Greek, Indian...),
>>Traditions(ISKCON Rathyatra, National Chirstmas Tree, Lights of Mormon Temple, July 4th Fireworks,...),
>>Technology(Air Show, NASA, Navy,...),
>>Games and Teams(Baseball, Teams,..),
>>Vaction places and Beaches(Miami, San Diego,...),
>>World Famous Cities(New York, Los Angeles, Toronto, DC,...),
>>Historic places(Williamsburg, Philadelphia,...) and many more...
5. Unique voluntary work to show the videos for free with full details and links to the respective event/place. Each video is a unique event with different background information

We will continue this tradition as long as we can. But Donations will encourage us more.
Donations will be used for the following purpose:

A. Maintain the web site and plan for new assignments which includes travelling/ parking/ rental/ entrance costs. Ex: Visiting Toronto, Canada. Tijuana, Mexico or any event.
B. To use best video editing software and video/photographic equipment.

We need to pay the tax for this donation.
In simple, depending on the event and situation,

* cheap comapared to market price
* Pre-event publicity if required
* Photos, online view with one link, you can share that link with others
* Summary video for 2-5 min if required in a week
* After event publicity, published on social media, reaches public, google search
* Same day(or next day morning) couple of photos for your press release
* You will get originals photos without watermark for download within 2 days

Please see any of the event pictures or video to get an idea about our way of coverage.

1) We will be at the event for about 2 - 4 hrs and will capture most of the important programs. For example, during this time we may capture 400 pictures and around 1 hr of video recording, the outcome of this will be a 300 good picture's and 15-30 mins of DVD(HD) quality edited video. There is a important reason behind this, that is nobody will be watching the video for more than 5-15 minutes.

2) Event organizer will get all the photos (full size photo) and video (all short video clips) in a CD/DVD/Memory card without any of our Information, this is For Your Records. If you want the same information on line we will have them (reduced size photo and flash/mp4 video) on our website with our information on it and this will be only accessed by you and the folks who have that link forwarded by you. The links are easiest way to show to your friends/relatives quickly.

3) There is a lot of behind the scene work to be done, for example we might be there for an event for 2 hrs, but we might spend almost 4 to 5 hrs to have the pictures and videos edited and uploaded.

4) You will get DVD(HD) quality of edited video. This may take 1 week including editing and post. On website we have flash/mp4 video with reduced size and quality.

5) We come to the event once on the date and time of the event any further communication will be on emails or physical mails, so the amount should be paid on or before the date of the event. If there are any problems/issues from our end (ex: Lost the pictures/video) with the pictures and videos 50% of the amount will be refunded.

6) If you are interested, we would like to take the person individual photos(with different styles) with green/blue background before starting the event. It will take less than 15min. At least uniform color wall(background) is fine.

7) Please feel free to discuss if you have any other concerns openly.

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Last Updated date : Tue, 25 Mar 2025.