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These are 11 yrs 10 mths Old Memories. Old is Gold. People may change, feelings & memories don’t
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Designed to offer year-round enjoyment to the public in one of the preeminent locations on the National Mall, the National Gallery Sculpture Garden includes seventeen works from the Gallerys growing collection as well as loans for special exhibitions.
Installations include Claes Oldenburgs Typewriter Eraser, Scale X (model 1998, fabricated 1999), and Joan Miros Personnage Gothique, Oiseau-Eclair (1974, cast 1977), as well as new acquisitions.
>City(s) = Washington DC; State(s) = DC; Country = USA. >Title = National Gallery of ART Sculpture Garden, Washington DC, USA - Video. >Keywords = National Gallery of ART, Sculpture Garden, Washington DC, USA, National Mall, Claes Oldenburgs Typewriter Eraser, Scale X , Joan Miros Personnage Gothique, Oiseau Eclair (406) >Catg =