* The Can Company parking lot - 2400 Boston Street
* Time : 1PM - 5PM
This event will once again become a Halloween tradition for Baltimore area dog lovers. The event, produced by the Can Company, features more than 100 dogs (with their owners), dressed creatively in costumes, competing in the following categories: Most Original, Most Baltimorean, Matching Dog/Human, and Best Last Minute. Local on-air personality, Jon Bouesche, will DJ and emcee the event.
Dog Festival - 1:00 - 5:00pm
Registration for competition - 1:30pm
Competition - 2:30 - 3:30pm
>City(s) = Baltimore; State(s) = MD; Country = USA.
>Title = The Halloween Costume Contest and Dog Festival, Baltimore, MD, US - Video.
>Keywords = HowllOWeen Costume Contest, Dog Festival, Baltimore, MD, US, The Can Company parking lot, dog lovers, Most Original, Most Baltimorean, Matching Dog Human, Best Last Minute, Jon Bouesche (353)
>Catg =