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These are 12 yrs 11 mths Old Memories. Old is Gold. People may change, feelings & memories don’t
Description - Published on 02/22/2012
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Suryalanka Beach is located 9 km from Bapatla in Guntur District of Andhra Pradesh. It is located 50 km south of Guntur City. Also known as the Bapatla Beach, it draws a large number of visitors on weekends and holidays. It is also near to Vodarevu Beach, Chirala.
The Suryalanka Beach overlooks the crystal blue waters of the Bay of Bengal. It is the only nearest beach from Hyderabad in Andhra Pradesh and quite spoken about.
Thanks to Andhra Pradesh Tourism and Development Corporation, they have a Haritha Beach Resort set-up over there which is the only one available. The Air force station and a Kendriya vidyalaya in the premises of Airforce station.
>City(s) = Bapatla; State(s) = AP; Country = India. >Title = Suryalanka Beach, Bapatla, AP, India - Video. >Keywords = Suryalanka Beach, Bapatla, AP, India, Guntur District,Andhra Pradesh,Bay of Bengal, Andhra Pradesh Tourism, Haritha Beach Resort,The Air force station,Kendriya vidyalaya,Vodarevu Beach, Chirala (312) >Catg =