Richmond - Commonwealth of Virginia Capital, VA, US(Visiting Place) - Video Visiting Place Video
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These are 15 yrs 11 mths Old Memories. Old is Gold. People may change, feelings & memories don’t
Description - Published on 02/28/2009
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Richmond is the capital of the Commonwealth of Virginia. The reason the city acquired its name View from Richmond Hill in England.

During the American Civil War, Richmond served as the capital of the Confederate States of America, and many important American Civil War landmarks remain in the city today, including the Virginia State Capitol and the White House of the Confederacy, among others.

Richmonds economy is primarily driven by law, finance, and government with several notable legal and banking firms, as well as federal, state, and local governmental agencies, located in the downtown area.

This is one of 12 cities in the US to be home to a Federal Reserve Bank. There are also 9 Fortune 500, and 13 Fortune 1000 companies in the city. Tourism is also important, as many historic sights are in or nearby the city.

Patrick Henry delivering his, Liberty or Death, speech at St. Johns Church in Richmond, helping to ignite the American Revolution

Museum of the Confederacy
Its rich collection of civilian and military Civil War artifacts relating to the Confederate States of America, as well as the post-war Lost Cause era, is a valuable resource for the study of the role of the Confederacy in the War and in our society today.

Adjacent to the restored White House is a museum containing more than 15,000 artifacts and 500 flags from the Confederate era.

Richmond National Battlefield Park.

Capitol Square - The lush green expanse of Capitol Square is a favorite spot for locals to bring a picnic lunch. Rose bushes cluster along the rails of bubbling, antique fountains one has a diving board for squirrels! A brick sidewalk leads to an impressive monument to Virginias presidents and statesmen.

The Virginia Capitol Building, designed by Thomas Jefferson and Charles-Louis Clerisseau.

The Landmark Theater, originally known as The Mosque, adjacent to Monroe Park.

Monument Avenue - Series of statues of Confederate heroes of the Civil War on Monument Avenue

Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden.

Edgar Allan Poe Museum (Americas Shakespeare,) - Poe Museum boasts the worlds finest collection of Edgar Allan Poes manuscripts, letters, first editions, memorabilia and personal belongings.

Hollywood Cemetery
Characterized by rolling hills and winding paths overlooking the James River, it is the resting place of 2 US Presidents, James Monroe and John Tyler, as well as the only Confederate States President, Jefferson Davis.

Agecroft Hall and Gardens.

Science Museum of Virginia.

Maymont was the 100-acre Victorian country estate of James Henry and Sallie May Dooley. In 1886, the Dooleys first viewed and purchased the rough pasture and field that would become Maymont.

Byrd Theater - This dazzling movie palace was built in the early 20th century. Italian marble and elegantly painted murals fill the interior. A balcony and theater boxes overlook the auditorium below and on Saturday evenings, a Wurlitzer organ, which once accompanied silent movies, is played. The audience can sing along; the words are displayed on the screen. The staff dresses in 1920s clothing. Second-run movies are shown here daily.

Canal Walk - By boat or by foot the Richmond Canal Walk is a beautiful and educational experience. Take a guided tour or learn about the site on your own. Brass disks embedded in the sidewalk, maps, photos and artifacts note historical events and people associated with the canals and locks

Valentine Richmond History Center.

Tredegar Iron Works - a thriving factory, produced much of the guns, ammunition and warship armor needed by the Confederate army. For the duration of the war, operations continued nonstop to supply the southern troops. When the war was lost in 1865, Tredegar was instrumental in helping to rebuild the South and stayed in business until the 1950s.

City Hall Observation Deck.

Federal Reserve Bank Money Museum - invites you to tour its facilities and operations.

Historic Garden Week - Houses in Richmonds historic neighborhoods are featured, many of which are private residences. Other gardens have included those at Maymont and Agecroft, and many of the James River plantations not far from the city.

Berkeley Plantation.

The Civil War Visitor Center.

Belle Island - It is accessible to pedestrian and bicycle traffic via a suspension footbridge from the northern shore of the James.

>City(s) = Richmond; State(s) = VA; Country = USA.
>Title = Richmond - Commonwealth of Virginia Capital, VA, US - Video.
>Keywords = Richmond, Commonwealth of Virginia, Hill, American Civil War, Confederate States, America landmarks, State Capitol, White House, the Confederacy, Patrick Henry, Liberty or Death, Museum, National Battlefield Park, Square, Landmark Theater, Monroe Monument Avenue, Lewis Ginter, Botanical Garden, Edgar Allan Poe, Americas Shakespeare, Hollywood Cemetery, Agecroft Hall and Gardens, Science, Maymont Byrd, Canal Walk, boat tours, ourtripvideos, our, trip, videos, crlapindfrn, Belle Island, Berkeley Plantation (61)
>Catg =
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