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These are 5 yrs 7 mths Old Memories. Old is Gold. People may change, feelings & memories don’t
Description - Published on 07/29/2019
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Celebrating Saint Meerabais life through her poetry; set to music composed by Rita Sahai.
Rita Sahai and her Vasundhara Choir present a program of Mira Bhajans at Badarikashrama in San Leandro, CA
Guest Artists:
Tabla by Samrat Kakkeri
Touch style Veena by Teed Rockwell
Violin by Krishna Parthasarathy
July 28, 2019 at 2 PM – 6 PM.
Badarikashrama, 15602 Maubert Ave, San Leandro, California 94578.
Badarikashrama, located in San Leandro, California was founded by Sri Swami Omkaranandaji in 1984. Named after the Himalayan site where Vedavyasa received and taught the Vedic scriptures, the ashrama stresses the Vedic teaching that the Truth is One and comes in many forms.
Visited on July 28, around 1 pm.
>City(s) = San Leandro; State(s) = CA; Country = USA. >Title = Meerabai Music Festival at Badarikashrama, San Leandro, CA, USA - Video. >Keywords = Meerabai Music Festival, Badarikashrama, San Leandro, CA, USA, Sri Swami Omkaranandaji,Rita Sahai, Samrat Kakkeri , Teed Rockwell , Krishna Parthasarathy (795) >Catg =