Kitty Hawk - Nags Head - Fort Raleigh, NC, US(Visiting Place) - Video Visiting Place Video
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Description - Published on 02/19/2009
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Kitty Hawk - Wright Brothers National Memorial, Kill Devil Hills, NC

Mile post 7.5 on U.S. Highway 158 Kill Devil Hills, NC.

Wind, sand, and a dream of flight brought Wilbur and Orville Wright to Kitty Hawk, North Carolina where, after 4 years of experimentation, they achieved the first successful airplane flights in 1903.

With courage and perseverance, these self-taught engineers relied on teamwork and application of the scientific process. What they achieved changed our world forever.

Wright Brothers National Memorial commemorates 2 ingenious brothers from Dayton, OH who, in 1900, choose the sparsely populated area known as the Outer Banks to conduct a series of experiments that 3 years later resulted in the worlds first heavier than air, powered controlled flight.

The story of these brothers embodies the American ideal of hard work overcoming all obstacles.

Wilbur and Orville Wright were not just lucky bicycle mechanics but succeeded because of study and scientific experimentation.

Their story is the realization of a dream that had existed for centuries; it is not simply about building the first plane but rather about how they scientifically solved the problem.

It is a story about those who inspired and those who aided the brothers as well as the coastal area of North Carolina before, during and after the dream came to life.

The Wright Monument is the largest monument in this country built to a living person. Orville Wright attended the Monument dedication in 1932.

Jockeys Ridge State Park is located in Dare County on the Outer Banks. The entrance to the park, Carolista Drive, is in the town of Nags Head at milepost 12 on the Hwy 158 Bypass (South Croatan Hwy).

JOCKEYS RIDGE is the tallest natural sand dune system in the Eastern US. It is one of the most significant landmarks on the Outer Banks, NC. Always changing, always beautiful.

The 384-foot boardwalk ends with a spectacular view of Jockeys Ridge. Along the tree-lined walkway are information panels describing the various plants and animals found around the dunes.

There is a bench on the overlook for visitors who wish to wait for their families playing on the dunes. Transportation to the top of the dunes may or may not be available until 7 PM pending availability of a vehicle and 24-hour prior notice.

The sand on the dunes is incredibly hot during the summer months. On average, the sand will be 25 to 30 degrees hotter than the air temperature.

On occasion, there are families that become separated while playing on the dunes. It is a good idea to locate a landmark everyone is familiar with, and make this your meeting spot.

Weather on the Outer Banks is a bit unpredictable. Lightning storms occur quite often during the summer months, especially in the afternoon.

Having fun in the outdoors means you may have a possible encounter with ticks.

Washington Baum Bridge, between Manteo and Nags Head.

Fort Raleigh National Historic Site protects and preserves known portions of Englands first New World settlements from 1584 to 1590.

This site also preserves the cultural heritage of the Native Americans, European Americans and African Americans who have lived on Roanoke Island.

The Elizabethan Gardens, located on this same site which the colonists first landed, is full of history and beauty in this tranquil setting on the shores of Roanoke Island.

History, mystery and fantasy are combined in these special gardens, which are a memorial to the first English colonists who came to North America in 1584-1587 and walked away through the dark forest into history as memorialized in Paul Greens symphonic drama, The Lost Colony.

For here and nowhere else, Sir Walter Raleigh made initial attempts to colonize the New World under Queen Elizabeth I. Truly this hallowed site is the birthplace of America.

Founded and supported by the Garden Club of North Carolina, Inc. and featured in many landscape books and calendars, The Elizabethan Gardens is one of the finest examples of gardens of this period.

Truly, it stands out as the crown jewel of Roanoke Island.

>City(s) = Kitty Hawk, Nags Head, Fort Raleigh; State(s) = NC; Country = USA.
>Title = Kitty Hawk - Nags Head - Fort Raleigh, NC, US - Video.
>Keywords = Kitty Hawk, Wright Brothers National Memorial, Kill Devil Hills, NC, Wilbur and Orville Wright , North Carolina, Dayton, OH, Outer Banks, Jockeys Ridge State Park, Dare County, Nags Head, natural sand dune system, Washington Baum Bridge, Manteo, Fort Raleigh Historic Site, Roanoke Island, The Elizabethan Gardens, Paul Greens symphonic drama, Lost Colony, Sir Walter Raleigh , Queen Elizabeth Garden Club, ourtripvideos, our, trip, videos, crlapindfrn (56)
>Catg =
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