East or West, We are the best . We Visit, We Record, We Present, We Share, You Enjoy! 16+ yrs free Community Social Service, 2008 - Years professional, event, trust, quality, unique, special, bond and brand.More
These are 10 yrs 10 mths Old Memories. Old is Gold. People may change, feelings & memories don’t
Description - Published on 03/15/2014
* Use external speakers or headset to enjoy more Please help your folks/friends to know about these places/events/cultures Enjoy the content and common music even if few songs are in regional language. * Help required with nice background music(movie or others) of any language * Hide
Thanks to all the people who are supporting/advising and helping with improvements!
The St. Patricks Day Parade celebrates and showcases Irish community, Irish culture and character in all its forms. Featured groups from throughout the Bay Areas Irish community including schools, youth organizations, labor unions, cultural groups, as well as the San Francisco Police and Fire Departments will march down Market Street. Again this year, the popular Festival will be held at Civic Center Plaza, in front of City Hall before, during and after the Parade. The Festival gives you an opportunity to learn more about Irish history and culture.There will be live music, Irish food and Beverages, dancing and cultural and business exhibits for the entire family to enjoy.
Parade happened at 2nd and Market Street 11.30am, March 15th, 2014.
2nd and Market Streets to Civic Center.
>City(s) = San Francisco; State(s) = CA; Country = USA. >Title = Annual St. Patricks Day Parade, San Francisco, CA, USA - Video. >Keywords = St Patricks Day Parade, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2nd and Market Streets, Civic Center, Irish community, Civic Center Plaza (431) >Catg =